4 Week Online Meditation Course

Begins Friday 10th May and will run for 4 consecutive Fridays.

Time: 08.00-09.00


Connect, Breathe and Meditate

Each session will be recorded and sent out via email within 6 hours if you can't make it live.

I am so excited to take you through an incredibly powerful 4 weeks.

I have spent the past year on the most empowering, insightful and life shifting Meditation Training with Kings Meditation and Mentoring.

I have done quite a few meditation trainings within my yoga teacher trainings but this was my first full Meditation Training and it has been absolutely incredible, i have so much to share to help you build a deeper, longer, more connected practice or for some it might be the very start of the journey into meditation.

Each week we will meet on Google Meets for an hour and as mentioned above if you can't make it live then the session will be recorded and sent out via email within 6 hours (probably sooner)

The session will be slightly different each week but it will have a similar format.

Connect: Connect to your body, the earth, your energy and each other - creating the most beautiful sacred space to sit and be.

Breathe: Breathe to silence the mind and settle the nervous system using very simple yet incredibly powerful pranayama practices.

Meditate: Meditate to expand the heart and light up our intuition.

Each session we will discuss the mind, what we can do to make shifts and changes to create a more blissful and peaceful space both in our heads and in our hearts. How we can learn to listen and understand our own intuition.

We will connect and discuss the obstacles of meditation and our own struggles as well as our successes, and what shifts we can make to move forward so that the struggles are less and the times where we thrive are more.

PRICE: £49

What it includes:

  • Friday morning 1 hour session 08.00-09.00 on Google Meets x 4 sessions - each full session will be recorded and sent to you within 12 hours
  • Separate recording of the breath and meditation practice that we do in the session sent to your inbox to do as many times in that week as you can.
  • Added to a supportive whatsapp group - don't panic i will limit the amount of messaging so it won't be beeping at you every 2 minutes.
  • X 4 pre-recorded Breathe, Meditate & Flow practices
  • 15% discount for YOUR. home yoga studio members